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Fujikura New Model FSM-88R with CT50 Fiber Cleaver Ribbon Mass Fusion Splicer Welding Splicer Instead of FSM-70R12

Universal Fiber Holder: The FH-70-12 fiber owner is suitable with numerous kinds of 12 fiber bow, such as 0.3 mm or 0.4 mm thick encapsulated bows and 200μm or 250μm covered Spider Web Ribbon (SWR). The 250 µm pitch V-groovesin the FH-70-12 fiber owner streamline SWR loading and bow preparation.Pitch Conversion Fiber Holder: The pitch conversion fiber owner, FH-70-12PC, allows pitch conversion of private 200µm covered fibers from a 200µm to 250µm pitch. The pitch transformed 200µm fibers can currently be filled in the 88R12 mass combination splicer.Universal Ribbon Stripper: 200µm V-groove Surface 250µm V-groove Surface The RS collection bow pole dancers are suitable with 200µm to 400µm layered fibers with out changing the pole dancer blades.

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