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Komshine GX39 Fusion Splicer Fusionadora Fibra Optica Soudeuse Fibre Optique FTTH Optical Splicing Machine with Cleaver

The fiber blend splicer gives wonderful devices, consisting of fiber pole dancer, Air conditioner adapter, lithium battery, extra electrode, battery charger, cooling down tray, procedure handbook CD, bring situation.– 3-in-1 Fiber Holder: 3 In 1 Fiber Holder match for SM, MM, bare fiber, pigtail, rubber-insulated, multi fiber wire; Splice Loss: SM(0.02 db); MM(0.01 db); DS(0.04 db); NZDS(0.04 db). This Fiber Optic Fusion Splicer is waterproof, dust-resistant, shock-resistant, high-temp-resistant.

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